7 Search Engines Changes that Affect Your SEO: Infographic
Search engines are evolving, and these changes will have big impacts on how searchers find your content. Here are 7 changes that will affect your SEO.
Internet users are changing how they search, and in response, search engines are changing how they rank content. Newer, more sophisticated algorithms have had big impacts on SEO rankings and the changes haven’t stopped there. Search engines are working around the clock to improve how content ranks for their users. Google and Bing want to ensure its readers are getting the quality content they deserve.
What does this mean for your SEO? It can be very challenging to understand all of the factors that go into a search engine’s algorithm for rankings. Google has over 205 factors that play a part in determining where you content lands in a search and they’re always changing. Instead of worrying about all of those components, here are 7 changes that have big impacts and are easy to integrate into your content.
7 search engine changes you need to know: infographic
Changes to the way search engines work do present a challenge for content creators writing for SEO. But keeping pace with the ever-changing technology is key to keeping your content relevant. Keeping these 7 key changes in mind, content writers can work to integrate these changes into their new content, as well as update older content.
Ultimately, the best way to improve your SEO is through your content. Quality content that is valuable to your target audience should be your biggest priority. With good content and keeping these 7 changes at the forefront, you will be able to optimize your posts and increase the likelihood internet searchers will find them.
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