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Top 5 Sales and Marketing Posts 2018

Aligning sales and marketing can help achieve big-picture goals. Here are the top five sales and marketing posts of 2018 that highlight how these two teams can work together.

The sales process is often a complicated journey that includes uphill climbs and unexpected roadblocks. Sales teams are all too familiar with these obstacles, but they don’t have to fight these battles alone.

Arm a sales rep with targeted content to share with prospects during specific moments in the purchasing process, and it will build his or her reputation as a knowledgeable resource. That can be the key to getting a foot in the door, advancing through the final stages of a purchasers’ decision, or closing the deal.

[bctt tweet=”Arm a sales rep with targeted content to share with prospects during specific moments in the purchasing process, and it will build his or her reputation as a knowledgeable resource. ” username=”Fronetics”]

Strong communication between sales and marketing can help create better content and nurture leads. Here are our top five sales and marketing posts of 2018.

Top 5 sales and marketing posts 2018

1. Infographic: the B2B Buyer’s Journey

Technology has completely changed the B2B buyer’s journey. The vast amount of information available on the internet has afforded buyers a level of self-sufficiency that renders traditional sales models ineffective. Marketers must leverage the latest trends and technologies to boost their content marketing efforts and turn leads into sales. Here are nine factors affecting today’s B2B buying journey. Read full post

2. Infographic: How Digital Natives are Changing B2B Purchasing

Long gone are the days of men and women sitting around a conference table listening to a sales pitch over a free lunch. Today’s B2B buyers are younger, more technologically savvy, and more independent — they’re a generation of digital natives. And they’re making waves across the B2B buying landscape and changing how marketers must work to reach new customers. Here’s what you need to know about the new B2B buyer. Read full post

3. The 3 Most Important Sources of Information for B2B Buyers

From a content marketing perspective, knowing where your buyers get their information is critical to an effective strategy. So what are most important sources of information for today’s B2B buyers? 20 years ago, you might have named things like product info sheets or sales reps. But not anymore. Read full post

4. 3 Dangers of Sales and Marketing Misalignment

Too often, B2B companies fall victim to the dangers of sales and marketing misalignment, often without even being aware that it’s an issue. Such misalignment can have serious motivational and financial consequences. These are the major dangers of sales and marketing misalignment compared to what can happen when things go right. Read full post

5. Infographic: Delivering Content Throughout the Buyer’s Journey to Help Your Sales Team Close Deals

If you’re a supply chain marketing professional, it’s likely that you spend a tremendous portion of your day researching, creating, packaging, and disseminating content. It’s time to start leveraging your it throughout the buyer’s journey by arming your sales force with content. Before you panic at the idea of creating reams of new content, take a breath. It’s more than likely that you can repurpose your existing content, optimized to give your sales force the tools they need to close deals.Read full post

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