Top Talent Articles of 2015

Top Talent Articles of 2015


Recruiting and retaining top talent is one of the largest issues the supply chain faces today. It has, in many ways, become an industry of gaps: skills, talent, and gender, to name a few. How can companies secure their future by acquiring, developing, and keeping employees with the potential to undertake future leadership roles?

Fronetics Strategic Advisors works with clients to understand and execute on talent acquisition, performance management, learning and development, and succession management. We also work with clients to design and develop roles and responsibilities, on leadership development, mentoring and counseling, and on performance management and compensation strategies.

Here are our most-read talent articles of 2015:

1. The supply chain gender gap

While the number of full-time women in the workforce is up 15% since 1979, the number of women in the manufacturing sector is the lowest it has been since 1971.The gender gap extends more broadly to the supply chain, as well, with 70% and 80% of positions held by men. This article examines the talent crisis within the industry as an opportunity to help close the gender gap, and offers suggestions for building that bridge. Read the full article.

2. How to solve the supply chain talent crisis: a recruiter shares his ideas

This interview with Rodney Apple, founder of the SCM Talent Group and supply chain recruiter for the majority of his 19-year career within the staffing industry, examines the challenges facing the industry and opportunities to address the talent crisis moving forward. Read the full article.

3. The Supply Chain Talent Gap, Explained

The outlook seems dire: by 2025, 60 million baby boomers will exit the workforce, leaving a gigantic gap when 40 million millennials take their place. What’s more, as few as 20% of the workforce will possess the broad range of skills required of 60% of all new supply chain jobs. The good news is that this looming crisis represents an ideal opportunity for recent college grads and mid-level supply chain management. Companies hoping to appeal to top candidates in the future should be proactive about meeting their professional needs through initiatives like competitive salaries and cross-functional training — or else, they might miss out. Read the full article.

4. Pay Your Employees to Quit. It Actually Pays Off.

Zappos offers new hires a $4,000 bonus to quit after an initial training program — and it actually has helped them retain top talent. Offering an early out to employees can be an effective method to detect personnel issues up front and ultimately can save your company from a major financial loss in the future. Read the full article.

5. Network Your Face Off: Why Networking is Essential

When it comes to your career, connections matter. This article lists five reasons why building a strong network is crucial to your professional success. Read the full article.

6. Attracting and Retaining Millennials for the Supply Chain Industry

Millennials — or, those born after 1981 — potentially could breathe new life into the graying supply chain industry. This article examines who millennials are and how companies might attract and retain talent within this oft-misunderstood generation. Read the full article.

7. How to retain top talent

Promising employees expect more from their employers when they outperform their peers — and not just in terms of compensation (though that is very important). When those expectations are met with disappointment, the company is at risk for losing top talent. This article discusses strategies for mitigating the loss of talented employees. Read the full article.

8. Talent-retention and succession-planning for the supply chain

According to one study, only 12.5% of companies in the supply chain industry engage in formal succession planning, or the process of identifying top internal performers with the potential to fill key leadership positions. With the dearth of talent facing the supply chain, employers would be wise to invest in succession planning (and their most promising employees) — particularly through these three aspects of the process. Read the full article.

9. Want to fill the supply chain talent gap? Rebrand the supply chain.

Focusing on education and training, employee retention and growth, and rethinking the talent pool itself does not address the bigger issue in the supply chain skills gap: the industry just isn’t perceived as sexy. What can companies do to overhaul their image and attract new and qualified talent? Read the full article.

10. Save Your Farewells and Increase Employee Retention

Replacing employees is extremely costly — anywhere from 50 to 400% of their annual salaries, it is estimated — yet more than 2 million people voluntarily leave their jobs each month. Companies who are not tending to their human resource assets may be taking a major financial hit. Here are five employee retention strategies to help create a culture where employees are satisfied and interested in working for you long term. Read the full article.



Top 10 content marketing articles of 2015

Top 10 content marketing articles of 2015


Last year was big for content marketing within the logistics and supply chain industries. While companies in general had been hesitant to adopt an inbound marketing approach, many caught on and found this strategy to have a major impact on business in 2015.

Fronetics has helped many clients achieve their goals through targeted inbound marketing efforts. Our data-driven approach aligns business objectives with a marketing program that delivers results with a targeted ROI.

Here are the top content marketing articles in 2015:

1. Five reasons companies in the supply chain and logistics industries should use inbound marketing 

Though many companies within the supply chain and logistics industries tend to disregard inbound marketing, it actually can be a wildly successful strategy. Here are five reasons why companies in these industries should be using inbound marketing. Read the full article.

2. Content and Social Media: A Perfect Match for Customer Engagement and Business Growth

This guest blog by Kecia Gray, former vice president of corporate marketing & communications at Transplace, discusses how social media has become an integral part of Transplace’s marketing and communications strategy. It has been key to expanding brand awareness and the company’s thought leadership in the logistics and transportation space. Read the full article.

3. Content as a marketing tool for the logistics and supply chain industries

Fronetics Strategic Advisors conducted a survey focused on the use of content within the logistics and supply chain industries found that companies are using content as a marketing tool and are realizing results. Read the full report.

4. Report: Content use within the logistics and supply chain industries

The survey on industry content use conducted by Fronetics found that companies within the logistics and supply chain industries are creating more content than ever before. Respondents reported using content marketing in order to strengthen overall brand awareness, generate leads, and establish the company as an industry leader. Read the full report.

5. All content is not created equal. Why you need good content.

Good content drives profitable customer action, while bad content is a waste of time and precious resources. What makes good content, and how can you get it? Read the full article.

6. Get Results from Content Marketing by Telling Great Stories

Guest author Thijs Messelaar, a 15-year content-writing veteran, explains how the best content marketing is like a really good story. You must engage your audience emotionally to get them interested in you and to earn their trust. Read the full article.

7. Content marketing ROI for reverse logistics companies

Inbound marketing is effective in garnering consumers’ attention, but it is important to assess return on investment. Reverse logistics companies can use a fairly simple formula to calculate content marketing ROI. Read the full article.

8. Content marketing for the logistics and supply chain industries

Fronetics developed a content marketing guide specifically for companies within the logistics and supply chain industries. In it is step-by-step instructions, templates, lists, and samples to walk you through building your own content strategy. Read the full article.

9. Using inbound marketing to market and sell luxury real estate

Many luxury real estate firms are already using digital and social media to carry the lifestyle brand they’ve built around their properties into the online world. With the use of inbound marketing, they are creating new virtual “touch points” to connect with affluent buyers. Read the full article.

10. Six digital and content marketing tasks to outsource

Outsourcing several digital and content marketing tasks can help companies enjoy a reduction (or cost savings) in operating costs, improve their focus on core competencies, and let employees concentrate on their highest and best use. This article identifies six areas where companies can leverage outsource partners to support their digital efforts. Read full article.

If you are looking to increase business in 2016, consider contacting Fronetics to develop a content marketing strategy. We work with you to create an individualized plan for your specific situation and needs. We identify challenges, trends, and opportunities and take action so that your content marketing program constantly evolves and delivers results.


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