Video: The Most Important Resources for B2B Buyers (and How You Should Prepare)

Video: The Most Important Resources for B2B Buyers (and How You Should Prepare)

Here are the top three resources digital natives are using to research solutions and how your B2B business can prepare to meet them online.

Knowing where your buyers do research when making purchasing decisions is crucial to any marketing strategy. Digital natives, a new generation of younger buyers, have completely revolutionized the purchasing landscape for B2B vendors. Their biggest resource? The world wide web.

[bctt tweet=”73% of employees ages 20-35 years old are involved in product or service purchase decision-making at their company. In fact, one-third reported they are the sole decision maker for their department.” username=”Fronetics”]

A study of millennial buyers by Merit found that 73% of employees ages 20-35 years old are involved in product or service purchase decision-making at their company. In fact, one-third reported they are the sole decision maker for their department.

What does this mean for B2B marketers?

These younger, and typically more technologically advanced, buyers expect they can find the information they need about your brand online through an organic search. Your company needs to have any and all content available at the push of a button.

But the work doesn’t stop there. Once a buyer finds your brand, you hope they make the leap to visit your website, meaning your site needs to be one of your most appealing assets. If you don’t give visitors plenty of easy, attractive opportunities to convert on your website, content marketing won’t generate leads for you.

But online searches and vendor website aren’t the only resources digital natives are using to make purchasing decisions. This younger generation also relies heavily on recommendations from peers and colleagues.

Like recommendations from friends and family in their personal lives, the opinion of other buyers becomes very important. A big part of the purchasing process involves B2B review sites, where purchasers seek the opinion of their peers and colleagues.

Here’s Elizabeth Hines, creative/editorial director at Fronetics, to discuss the top resources for B2B buyers and how you can be prepared to meet them online.

Video: top 3 resources for B2B buyers

Final thoughts

Though the purchasing landscape has changed over the past decade, B2B marketers have the tools to get in front of the right buyers. These tools including knowing what resources buyers are using and how to use these assets to your advantage. With a documented strategy and high-quality, informative content, you’ll be ready to meet digital natives where they are.

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Infographic: How Digital Natives are Changing B2B Purchasing

Infographic: How Digital Natives are Changing B2B Purchasing

Digital natives are changing the landscape for B2B purchasing. Here’s what you need to know about the new B2B buyer.

Long gone are the days of men and women sitting around a conference table listening to a sales pitch over a free lunch. Today’s B2B buyers are younger, more technologically savvy, and more independent — they’re a generation of digital natives. And they’re making waves across the B2B buying landscape and changing how marketers must work to reach new customers.

[bctt tweet=”Today’s B2B buyers are younger, more technologically savvy, and more independent — they’re a generation of digital natives. And they’re making waves across the B2B buying landscape and changing how marketers must work to reach new customers.” username=”Fronetics”]

Who are digital natives?

The term digital native describes a person that grows up in the digital age, rather than acquiring familiarity with digital systems as an adult. So, unlike the previous generation, digital natives grew up understanding how to work a computer and a mobile phone instead of picking up these skills (slowly) in our 20s, 30s, or even later.

Having grown up in a time of rapid technological advancement, digital natives are very comfortable online. These skills have carried over to their professional careers, as millennials descend upon the workforce. Organic searches have become the starting point for researching products and services, instead of looking for specific brands.


This new reality means marketers trying to reach new customers must make big changes in the way they target and engage today’s buyers. Marketers have had to shift their focus from outbound marketing to inbound tactics, like content marketing, to engage and connect with their target audiences.

Here’s what you need to know about digital natives and how their tech-savvy ways have changed the B2B purchasing process.

Infographic: How digital natives are changing B2B purchasing

How Digital Natives are Changing B2B Purchasing

(Made with Canva)

Final thoughts

With so much content available on the internet, first impressions are everything. Your website needs to be informative and visually pleasing. Your social media posts need to be engaging. Your blog posts need to be enlightening. Make sure your online presence accurately depicts who you are as a brand and what you stand for. Digital natives will be more likely to find and connect with you.

Have digital natives had an impact on your business? Tell us about it.

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