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Survey: social media and the logistics and supply chain industries

Some companies within the logistics and supply chain industries have chosen to participate in social media while others have not.  Why have some companies chosen not to participate while others have decided to participate?  What social networks do companies within the logistics and supply chain perceive to provide the most value to their business?  What challenges do companies face with respect to social media?

Fronetics Strategic Advisors aims to gain insight into these questions and more.  We are conducting a survey on social media within the logistics and supply chain industries.  The objective of the survey is to learn about the participation and use of social media within the logistics and supply chain industries.

The survey is aimed at companies within the logistics and supply chain industries, and takes only about 5 to 10 minutes to complete.

This survey is confidential.  Responses will be reported in aggregate and no individual- or company-identifiable information will be shared with anyone.

If your company is part of the logistics or supply chain industries please take the time to take the survey.

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