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Social Media and the Logistics and Supply Chain Industries

Social Media

Social media and social media technologies have rapidly changed the way companies do business across every type of industry. Social media brings businesses closer to their customers, provides a platform for communication and building thought leadership, and when executed properly it can help drive business and provide a significant return on investment. Businesses that ignore social media forgo these opportunities and miss out on potential business development opportunities.

According to The McKinsey Global Institute, 90 percent of companies who were using social media or social technologies for their business reported benefiting from their efforts in 2012. And how could they not? Utilizing a social media technology can increase a company’s reach into their industry and provides optimal channels for communicating with their customers.

The supply chain and logistics industries are two industries that have not adopted social media and social technologies as quickly as others. Business owners in these have a difficult time seeing past the “social” aspect of these technologies and understanding what the implied benefits of using social technologies can mean for their business. Many find themselves asking “why?” instead of “how?” when considering implementing a social media strategy, and ultimately allocate resources elsewhere within their businesses.

The Fronetics white paper, Social Media and the Logistics and Supply Chain Industries: Why Not Participating is a Risk You Can’t Afford to Take, provides meaningful insights into why supply chain and logistics companies need to be using social media and the value of these technologies. Learn how to move past the barriers to adoption, how to leverage social technologies, and learn what  a social presence can mean for your business.

To learn more about why your business needs social media, download Social Media and the Logistics and Supply Chain Industries: Why Not Participating is a Risk You Can’t Afford to Take today.


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