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How Pay-Per-Click Helped This Company Get 54 Leads

Company X also saw web traffic grow by 180% in 90 days by using Google AdWords and Facebook Ads.

Sometimes our clients can be a little hesitant to try pay-per-click advertising. Take Company X, for example.

Company X’s target customer fits a very particular profile, in terms of geography, income, and age. Because of those specific demographics, the client was not confident that a pay-per-click advertising campaign would be an effective way to reach those target customers. But we thought differently.

When paired with a content marketing program, pay-per-click can be one of the cheapest, in terms of cost-per-lead, and most efficient ways to reach a target audience. Thus, we convinced Company X to try PPC on a trial basis, investing just a small budget.

We developed a strategy for the client, using Google AdWords and Facebook Ads. Over the course of 90 days, the results were phenomenal.

A few key results:

Needless to say, Company X will be expanding the use of pay-per-click advertising in the future.

How can pay-per-click help your business?

PPC can seem intimidating to the novice. But, when done right, it can be a highly effective way to reach the very specific kind of customer your business is looking for. A little bit of know-how can be all the difference.

As such, Fronetics has developed a quick training on the basics of pay-per-click advertising: what it is, what platforms are available, etc. If you are interested in learning more about PPC and how it might complement your marketing program, download our free guide below.

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