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Infographic: Six Tips for Supply Chain Blogs

A recent survey of over 400 business blogs shows what the best bloggers have in common and what supply chain marketers can do to improve their blogs.

Maintaining a blog for your business can be somewhat of a guessing game. How often should you publish? Should you do all the writing in-house? Will anyone read our posts?

A recent survey of 428 marketers conducted by Curata sought to identify any patterns or trends among those with the most successful business blogs. Specifically, the authors grouped together those whose blogs had more than 10,000 views per month and compared them to those with less than 10,000 views per month.

The most successful blogs (those with over 10,000 views per month) have several things in common. The following infographic shows some highlights from the survey.

(Made with Canva)

Read the full report from Curata’s survey here to get more insight into the best business blogs. For more information and tips on blogging for your supply chain business, check out our related posts below.

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