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Infographic: 3 Steps to Prove Social Media ROI

Use these three steps to calculate your social media ROI and prove the value of your investment.

As supply chain and logistics businesses are finally recognizing the merits of content marketing, and more specifically social media platforms, many are looking into implementing a program at their companies. But it doesn’t take much research to realize what an enormous investment it is. And how difficult it can be to prove social media ROI.

We understand the time and money it takes to successfully implement and manage a social media strategy as a part of your content marketing plan. Many companies we talk to need help convincing management that it’s a worthwhile investment. To that we say, use data!

[bctt tweet=”We understand the time and money it takes to successfully implement and manage a social media strategy, as a part of your content marketing plan. Many companies we talk to need help convincing management that it’s a worthwhile investment.” username=”Fronetics”]

But what data should you use? How do you quantify certain benefits, like growth in brand awareness? And do you really have to keep track of all the hours you spend managing social media, crafting new tweets, etc.?

Here are three simple steps to start proving your social media ROI.

Infographic: 3 steps to prove social media ROI

(Made with Canva)

Final thoughts

Once you’ve calculated ROI for your social media platforms, it’s time to think strategically about optimizing your content marketing resources in terms of allocation and timing. Having hard data helps you answer questions about which initiatives are most fruitful, what language engages your audience best, when your efforts are most likely to pay off.

Ultimately, this data-driven approach lets you continually adapt to the needs of your audience, ensuring an ongoing, robust ROI.

Have you had to prove your social media ROI? What strategies did you use?

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