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Industry Report: Supply Chain Management is Becoming Younger, More Educated, More Diverse

Millennials are breaking stereotypes across the industry. This new generation is bringing youth, better education, and lots of diversity to supply chain management.

This guest post comes to us from Argentus Supply Chain Recruiting, a boutique recruitment firm specializing in Supply Chain Management and Procurement.

Everyone knows that the demographics of the Supply Chain industry are changing. They have to. Within a few years, demographers estimate that 400,000 baby boomers will be retiring in Canada every year. Within the Supply Chain industry, the looming – and in fact, already-started – retirement of baby boomers and shifting job responsibilities brought about by technology are creating a talent crisis.

It’s something that we’ve covered extensively  at Argentus. We’ve written about how the industry can fill the burgeoning gap in talent: by increasing educational opportunity, doing more outreach to young people, and improving communication about the vast career potential in the field – a field that until recently was stereotyped as transactional, hidebound and, in a word, boring.

Today’s Supply Chain professionals know that – especially at the highest levels – the field is anything but. And it looks like some of these efforts to avert the talent crisis have begun to bear fruit: a major new survey shows that millennials are moving into the workforce in a big way, changing its Supply Chain’s demographics and disrupting the industry.

The survey, conducted by Peerless Research Group, Supply Chain Management Review, APICS and APQC surveyed 676 millennials (between the ages of 22 and 37) in April 2017 to find out about their demographics, expectations, goals and current career status within the Supply Chain industry. It’s a far-reaching report with a lot of results busting down stereotypes both about Supply Chain and millennials themselves.

As a recruitment company specializing in Supply Chain and Procurement, Argentus sits at the nexus of a lot of these demographic changes. Needless to say, we read the report with great interest. Here were some of our biggest, and most surprising, takeaways.

Takeaways from Apix survey on millennials in supply chain.

Careers are becoming more intentional:

Supposed “Job Hoppers” are actually staying put:

Educational opportunities are taking off:

The gender gap is chainging, but persistent:

Millennials expressing a high degree of career satisfaction:

[bctt tweet=”87% of millennials surveyed thought working in supply chain management would help with personal growth and development.” username=”Fronetics”]

It’s exciting to see the way the field is growing and adapting to change, and the way that millennials are stepping up and reaping some of this career’s rewards. We encourage you to check out the full report. There’s a lot to dig into beyond the takeaways we’ve identified here – lots of insights that will be interesting to anyone who’s interested in the way Supply Chain careers are taking off in the 21st century.

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