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Improving Efficiency in the Healthcare Supply Chain

healthcare supply chain

Supply chain management is more than just a series of transactions; it is a valuable, strategic business process.

Change is inevitable, and, in healthcare supply chain, it is crucial. The most progressive healthcare organizations across the country now acknowledge that supply chain management is more than just a series of transactions; it is a valuable, strategic business process.

These organizations have researched this expanding avenue to improve their services and cut costs, leading to new supply chain strategies for the coming year. But many in this industry hesitate to accept the evolving role of healthcare’s supply chain and the value it holds. They fail to utilize the data or act upon it, and this carries a cost for both the organization and their patients.

And costs are a rising concern. It is estimated that healthcare costs nationwide will reach $4.8 trillion by 2021, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Supply chain inefficiencies could be a contributing factor, but optimizing logistics provides a remedy.

The Force of Data Awakens

It is a pretty simple concept: The more you know, the better your decisions. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, data has been crucial in helping organizations pinpoint ways to cut costs, improve patient care, and end wasteful methodology. And according to a Supply Chain Digital report, the vast majority of healthcare organizations have yet to tap into the full potential of the complex data available to them.

The power to improve efficiencies in a healthcare organization can be found through:

There is an awakening in the healthcare industry as more organizations realize that their strategic business plans can be guided and improved by a myriad of complex supply chain data available. Across the healthcare continuum, there is a demand to look at business from a new perspective, seeking innovative methods to reduce costs and improve patient care.

This is achievable when healthcare organizations and their supply chain providers form an alliance, based on mutual goals and incentives, to leverage more analytical data to improve both patient care and operational efficiencies.


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