Social Benchmarking: How You Know You’re Killing It on Social Media

Social Benchmarking: How You Know You’re Killing It on Social Media

Rival IQ’s Danica Benson discusses the importance of social benchmarking and offers three steps for getting started.

This guest post comes to us from Danica Benson, marketing communications manager at Rival IQ

Imagine you’re on a little league baseball team. You’re up to bat. You swing and hit, sending the ball far over the second baseman’s head. You take off to first, see the outfielders running to the fences, fly past second base and onto third. The center fielder overthrows the ball as you sprint toward home, kicking dirt into sky behind you. Everyone is screaming, clapping and shouting! A home run! You feel on top of the world!

No matter which league you play in, be it little league or the MLB, a home run is successful. But, what if the pitcher walked you? In little league nobody claps, screams, or cheers. The next batter comes up, and you feel bummed out. But, not necessarily in the MLB. A walk is a strategic move. You’re on base. It’s only one base hit away from scoring position. A walk has the potential to be a game-changer and is considered a success. How is this so?

The benchmark determining success is different in the MLB than in little league. It’s the same performance in both cases, but a different interpretation of success. The same idea applies when measuring your social media activity — what is considered a successful engagement rate, number of followers, or content in one industry isn’t the same as the next.

Benchmarks require context

Benchmarks are key when interpreting data. Organizations of all kinds — large corporations, small privately owned business, nonprofits, and even sports teams — need to measure their performance to see if they’re efforts are leading to success.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) like Net Promoter Score (NPS) at a company, number of clicks on a social post, or a player’s batting average tells someone a lot about what is happening as a result of their activities. But it tells them nothing in terms of whether their efforts are successful, failing, or where to focus to close up those gaps. Why? Because benchmarks are relative.

3 steps to successful social benchmarking

Establishing benchmarks relative to your top competitors, like audience size and engagement rate, are meaningful because you are comparing to others like you who are fighting for the attention of the same audience. Without context, your metrics are what we call a “so what?” metric. We have 1,500 followers on Facebook… so what? Do we need more? Is that a good amount? These numbers only mean something if you have a benchmark for comparison.

At Rival IQ, measuring digital marketing performance begins with setting competitive benchmarks. To develop an effective social media strategy, you need contextual data. Analytics are great, but not if you don’t have context to compare your data. There are a couple of ways to do this: by comparing your organization’s metrics to itself, or by keeping tabs on your competitors. Using these methods, you can compare apples to apples and see growth in your organization, as well as how well you’re doing compared to your competitors.

Step #1: Know YOUR organization’s internal benchmarks

First and foremost, get to know your numbers. Identify your metrics and compare them to how you did last month (MoM) or last year (YoY). You always want to outperform yourself, so these benchmarks give you a base to start from and allow you to see if your activities are resulting in growth. Benchmarks can help you understand where your performance has been in the past, and help you create realistic expectations for the future.

But, what do you do if you don’t have any historical data to work with because you’re just starting up your analytics? I recommend looking at industry benchmarks, which you can find on websites such as Kissmetrics and MailChimp.

Step #2: Know your competitive benchmarks

Measuring your performance against your competitors gives you business intelligence you can use to make better decisions — especially if you’re struggling to earn social media attention. It’s too easy to think that we can just type, “What’s a good engagement rate for Instagram?” in a Google search to find a benchmark that means anything. What you will find are general figures calculated using everyone who uses the platform, which is great if your target audience is everyone who uses Instagram (not likely).

Go deeper than your industry by building your social benchmarks from scratch. Hand-select your direct competitors and look at metrics, such as:

  • Which social channels do they use?
  • How does the content differ between channels?
  • When and how often are they posting on social media?
  • What type of content are they sharing? Are they posting updates, photos, videos, live video, .gifs?
  • What do their engagement rates look like?
  • How many followers do they have?

Setting your social marketing strategy using your own landscape of competitors will give you a realistic, attainable goal. Accurate, relevant benchmarks are the first step in paving the way toward gaining a competitive advantage.

Step #3: Track, test & tweak

Now that you’ve reviewed your organization’s performance and can measure if it’s trending upward (or not), and you have established your benchmarks relative to your competitors, you track, test and tweak.

Track performance

By tracking your performance over time, you will be able to see if your audience is getting bored with your usual posts and may need to change your tactics. By monitoring your competitors, you can learn what content works well and take advantage of opportunities they may be missing.

Never stop testing

Social media is a great place to test things out, like new ads, campaigns, copy, contests, surveys, images, etc. Secondly, they give you feedback, fast! Find out what your audience likes on social first, then learn from your wins and failures. Take what you learn about your audience on social media and apply it to other marketing activities.

Tweak for optimization

This goes hand-in-hand with testing. Once you’ve tested a few things and have identified what’s working, tweak it and test it again to optimize it. Find the sweet spot. Social media is always changing, so there will always be more work to do.

Just as with all good strategies, you have to continually measure success and adjust based on real-world results. Competitive analytics is a great way to set social media benchmarks by basing them on companies you aspire to beat. If you aren’t beating the competition, it might be time to go back to the drawing board.

Originally from the Portland Metro Area, Danica Benson migrated north to work as a marketer in the startup arena. As the marketing communications manager at Rival IQ, she’s bringing her passion to the tech world. Outside of the office, Danica spends her free time on outdoor adventures and exploring the great city of Seattle.

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Social Selling: How Sales Teams Can Close More Deals with Social Media

Social Selling: How Sales Teams Can Close More Deals with Social Media

Sales teams can use social media to cultivate relationships with potential buyers, a process called social selling.

With the dawn of the social media age and the exponential increase in choices and information available to buyers, we’ve seen a massive shift in the way B2B sales occur. According to the Harvard Business Review, a striking 84% of B2B sales start not with a salesperson, but with a referral.

As outbound sales become decreasingly effective, peer recommendations are influencing more than 90% of all B2B buying decisions. So how do we make the shift from outbound sales to this new reality? One of the more popular answers is social media.

It’s likely that your organization has some sort of social media marketing strategy in place. But making full use of these platforms requires a more nuanced, well-rounded strategy than blanket social media marketing. It’s time to introduce the idea of “social selling.”

Social media as a sales tool

In a basic sense, social selling is the strategy of adding social media to the sales professional’s toolbox. This means using social platforms to research, prospect, and network by sharing curated educational content and answering questions. The key is building relationships until prospects are ready to buy.

So what’s the difference between social media marketing and social selling, and why is it important? While both are necessary to an integrated marketing and sales strategy, the former is about engaging many — with the goal of increasing brand awareness or promoting a specific product — by producing content that users will ideally share with their networks.

Meanwhile, social selling means producing focused content, and providing personal communication between the salesperson and the buyer. Again, the key is building and cultivating a relationship using social media platforms.

How to start social selling

The benefits of social selling are numerous and significant. For example, according to a LinkedIn survey, B2B buyers are five times more likely to engage with a sales rep who provides new insights about their business or industry. Social media is a powerful engagement tool, giving sales people a platform for sharing these insights.

Here are some steps your sales team can take to implement social selling.

1) Put it in your calendar.

Allot a small portion of your day for social media. It doesn’t take a big time investment to reap the benefits of regular interaction with your prospects.

2) Integrate sales and marketing.

Encourage collaboration between sales and social marketing departments, to make the most of both efforts. HBR suggests that “marketing can train salespeople in social media systems, processes, and best practices.” In addition, sales and marketing should be regularly sharing information to make sure their goals are aligned, and efforts are dovetailing. According to a study by Data Room and Marketo, “sales and marketing alignment can improve sales efforts at closing deals by 67% and help marketing generate 209% more value from their efforts.”

3) Prioritize relationship-building.

Focus your business’ ongoing efforts to building and cultivating quality relationships with prospects. This means building in time every day for personal communication. Make your prospects’ needs your priority.

The bottom line here is building and maintaining relationships. Social media — and social selling — are powerful tools for doing just that.

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Top 3 Logistics and Supply Chain Blogs of 2017

Top 3 Logistics and Supply Chain Blogs of 2017

Our readers voted Morai Logistics, Women in Trucking, and the Oracle Supply Chain Management Blog as the top 3 logistics and supply chain blogs of 2017.

Every year we ask our readers to vote for the best industry blogs. The results are always interesting — there’s really a lot of great supply chain and logistics content out there, plus it’s great to see where our readers are finding value.

This year was no different. The best logistics and supply chain blogs, as named by our readers, are all new to our best blogs list. They probably couldn’t be more different, either. But all three offer consistent, high-quality content, which is key to running a successful blog.

Here are the top 3 logistics and supply chain blogs of 2017.

1) Morai Logistics

Morai Logistics Inc. is a Toronto-based third-party logistics provider representing Mode Transportation. Morai’s blog covers the most pressing issues facing the logistics industry, as well as trends to watch out for, professional tips, and career advice. The almost-weekly posts have a lot to offer, in terms of information and thought leadership, and they often include valuable (and, might we add, beautiful) visual elements like infographics.

P.S. Check out our interview with Morai Logistics’ President Kelli Saunders.

2) Women in Trucking

The Women In Trucking Association is a non-profit organization focused on encouraging the employment of women in the trucking industry, promoting their accomplishments, and minimizing obstacles. Just one vote shy of the top spot, the Women in Trucking blog — or, should we say blogs — bring to light many issues of concern to both women and men working in the trucking industry. President/CEO Ellen Voie’s blog offers thought-provoking, insight on topics from the driver shortage to recruiting women drivers. The driver’s blog — with content mostly from longtime driver and writer Sandy Long — tackles pressing day-to-day issues facing drivers, such as parking in dangerous locations, family problems stemming from job-related realities, and assimilating to trucking culture.

3) Oracle Supply Chain Management

The Oracle Supply Chain Management blog looks at how Oracle helps organizations transform their supply chains into more holistic and integrated value chains that cover the three key operational pillars: Demand, Supply, and Product. Weekly content from a number of contributors cover topics including supply chain management, events, product lifecycle management, logistics, technology, and more.

Honorable mention

These blogs received quite a few votes as well.

What blogs do you read on a regular basis? Which have the most valuable content?

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How Google’s Mobile-First Index Will Affect B2B Marketers

How Google’s Mobile-First Index Will Affect B2B Marketers

To stay relevant following Google’s mobile-first approach, marketers need to examine their company’s mobile user experience.

Marketers, take notice: Google’s announcement that it is experimenting with a “mobile-first” search index is a reminder to examine your website content and configuration. The message from the search engine giant is clear: Now is the time to enhance your company’s mobile online experience.

A mobile-first society

The future is pointing toward increasing mobile device use. In 2015, mobile traffic accounted for more than half of internet traffic, and that percentage is growing. Google reported that more searches take place on mobile devices than on desktops. In response to this trend, Google’s new algorithms will rank mobile-friendly web pagers higher in search results than desktop pages.

These days, it’s pretty much a given that your clients and customers own a mobile device and use it quite often in their professional lives. Your site needs to meet the expectations of the viewer, which is to access content easily via mobile. If you fall short of this, you’ll lose credibility and, ultimately, income.

What do B2B marketers need to do?

Google currently uses two indexes to rank search results, 1. desktop pages and 2. mobile pages. If Google makes good on its promise to have a mobile-only index, websites optimized for mobile use will get higher billing at the top of search results, leading to more clicks, more brand recognition, and, ultimately, more sales.

Marketers need to prepare now to ensure a prominent place in Google’s search results. Here are three tips on how to do that.

  1. Develop a strong working relationship with your webmaster — they are in the experts on the technical side and can keep you abreast of updates and trends in website optimization.
  2. Conduct an audit of your websites to check for SEO. Use a website such as to give you real-time feedback.
  1. Become familiar with these three methods of web development:
    • Responsive web design – allows website pages to adapt to whatever size screen the viewer is using.
    • Dynamic serving – the server responds with different HTML (and CSS) on the same URL depending on the user agent requesting the page
    • Mobile-only URL – each desktop URL has an equivalent different URL serving mobile-optimized content

Check here to see how your site is configured.

Google’s tips

Google offers tips to webmasters to make their sites mobile-first. If your site is already optimized for mobile with RWD or is a dynamic-serving site, you shouldn’t need to make any adjustments. But if not, work with your webmaster on the following:

  • Serve structured markup for desktop and mobile versions
  • Make sure your site is accessible to Googlebot
  • Verify both desktop and mobile sites in Google’s Search Console

Should your business website be optimized for mobile searching? The short answer is undoubtedly yes.

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How Long Should My Blog Posts Be? A Case for Long-Form Content

How Long Should My Blog Posts Be? A Case for Long-Form Content

Long-form content generates more traffic, leads, and social shares than shorter content.

We’ve all heard the aphorism, “quantity over quality.” But when it comes to content marketing, part of quality may well be quantity.

While it can seem intimidating, the value of high-quality long-form content cannot be overstated. According to a 2012 study, long-form content converted 30% higher than shorter-form, and the same holds true today. Additionally, long-form posts generate more social media shares and have a higher average Google rank.

Here are some ideas for generating longer-form content that engages and informs your readers, and promotes your business in a meaningful way.

3 tips for creating longer-form content

1. Know your audience.

You first and foremost consideration should be your target audience. Take the temperature of your readers by frequently checking your comments sections, social metrics, and Google Analytics. It can also be useful to conduct a survey, which serves the dual purpose of directly engaging and communicating with your readers and giving you valuable information.

2. Chose relevant ideas.

Read all the articles that are on the first Google search page for your topic, and make sure your post contains relevant information you find. You should be answering as many of the questions that appear in Google Suggest at the top and bottom of the search page.

3. Write good content.

It seems painfully obvious, but it’s worth keeping quality at the top of your priority list. The idea of longer-form posts is to keep readers engaged and encourage them to peruse as much of your site as possible.

Neil Patel suggests that if you “strive to provide enormous value with every word you write,” your writing becomes more targeted. Keep posts visually accessible and easily digestible with short paragraphs, subheadings, and relevant images. Another key element of good content is research. Posts that include actual examples and case studies perform better than data-free posts.

Creating longer-form content may mean that your business needs to devote more resources to its content marketing efforts. But the benefits are well-documented and far outweigh the cost.

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Are You Tweeting Enough?

Are You Tweeting Enough?

The chances are that your company is not tweeting as often as it should.

Each second around 6,000 tweets are tweeted. Each minute over 350,000 tweets are tweeted. The median lifespan of each of these tweets is just 18 minutes. After 18 minutes of being live, the chance of someone seeing your tweet is very low. The chance of someone interacting with that tweet — even lower.

Given the large volume of tweets and the short lifespan of each tweet, how often should you tweet?

To get the most value out of each tweet, tweet around five times each day. To get the most value out of your company’s Twitter presence as a whole, tweet up to 30 times per day.

At Fronetics, we recommend focusing on getting the most value out of your company’s twitter presence as opposed to getting the most value out of each tweet.

When developing your Twitter strategy, here are a few things to keep in mind:

Timing is everything.

Identify the time of day most of your followers are active and what time of day your tweets receive the highest level of engagement. Followerwonk and Tweriod  are two tools you can use to conduct this analysis. Rival IQ takes the analysis one step further and shows you when your competitors are tweeting and when they are realizing their highest level of engagement.

It is important to conduct this analysis on a regular basis and to adjust your strategy accordingly.

Be relevant. Be strategic.

Every single tweet you send should be relevant and should fit within your strategic goals and objectives.

Don’t be annoying.

Tweeting when your followers are active and when you have the highest levels of engagement is important, but don’t go overboard. For example, if you learn that 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. are the best times of day for your company to tweet, do not schedule all 30 of your tweets to go live at those times.

Be creative.

Don’t tweet the same tweet over and over and over again. It’s ok to share the same article a few times, but change up the image and/or the tweet to make it fresh.

Be visual.

Tweets with images get more engagement than tweets without images. Analysis by Buffer found that tweets with images receive:

  • 150% more retweets
  • 89% more favorites
  • 18% more clicks

Be realistic.

Determine what you can realistically do on a consistent basis. If you can only commit to tweeting 5 times per day, stick with that. It is better to have strategy that you can execute than to have a strategy that cannot realistically be executed.

Finally, remember you don’t need to go it alone. Tools such as Buffer, HootSuite, Sprout Social, and HubSpot allow you to schedule tweets. Scheduling tweets makes it easier to tweet more often so that you can realize the value of a Twitter strategy.

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