Vote for the Top Logistics and Supply Chain Blogs of 2019

Vote for the Top Logistics and Supply Chain Blogs of 2019

It’s time to cast your vote for the top logistics and supply chain blogs of 2019!

We love hearing about your favorite logistics and supply chain blogs. We’re conducting our 5th annual survey to uncover the top industry blogs of 2019. Help us by voting for your favorite. Responses will be collected through Friday, January 25, 2019.


All responses are confidential and will be reported in aggregate. No identifiable information (individual or company) will be attached or included. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Interested in our past winners? Here they are!

Top 5 Talent Posts of 2018

Top 5 Talent Posts of 2018

Here are our most-viewed blog posts from 2018 about talent, including analysis of industry trends, and influencers you should be paying attention to.

New Year’s is the time for resolutions — personally and within your professional life, as well. Take a look at your company’s track record for identifying strengths and interests within your employees, and hiring and retaining great talent, and evaluate how to improve upon it.

We’ve assembled our top 5 talent posts of 2018. We hope these can be a resource to help your business overcome challenges and achieve your goals for the new year.

Top 5 talent posts of 2018

1. 6 Reasons Your Supply Chain Employees Are Looking for New Jobs

This guest post from Argentus Supply Chain Recruiting examines the most likely reasons why passive candidates seek out new jobs, particularly in Supply Chain and Procurement. It’s not out of a desire for more money as often as you might think. More often than not, it’s the more intangible factors. Read more

2. 7 Supply Chain & Logistics Professionals to Follow on LinkedIn

With LinkedIn Publishing, users are able to create long-form posts and articles to communicate their  subject-matter expertise and interests. Following LinkedIn members gives you access to their profiles, as well as any original or third-party posts they publish on their newsfeeds. So your newsfeed becomes populated with the content the users you follow are publishing and sharing — meaning, if you follow the right people, you get invaluable insight into industry leaders’ thoughts and trends. Here are some of our favorite supply chain and logistics professionals to follow on LinkedIn. Read more

[bctt tweet=”With LinkedIn Publishing your newsfeed becomes populated with the content the users you follow are publishing and sharing — meaning, if you follow the right people, you get invaluable insight into industry leaders’ thoughts and trends. ” username=”Fronetics”]

3. Top 10 Mobile Apps for Supply Chain Professionals

Supply chain and logistics professionals are finding mobile applications to be a necessary tool these days. In an industry focused on the transport of products and goods, mobile apps are giving supply chain professionals a new freedom from the confines of their desks. Here are 10 mobile apps for supply chain professionals to be familiar with. Read more

4. Top 5 Logistics and Supply Chain Careers

With the talent gap growing wider every day, ambitious current and future supply chain professionals have many interesting opportunities. And not only that — logistics and supply chain careers are increasingly high paying. Here’s a look at five of the top logistics and supply chain careers available to today’s professionals. Read more

5. Industry Report: Supply Chain Management is Becoming Younger, More Educated, More Diverse

A major new survey shows that millennials are moving into the workforce in a big way, changing its Supply Chain’s demographics and disrupting the industry. It’s a far-reaching report with a lot of results busting down stereotypes both about Supply Chain and millennials themselves. Here were some of our biggest, and most surprising, takeaways. Read more

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Top 5 Leadership Posts of 2018

Top 5 Leadership Posts of 2018

Our most-viewed leadership posts from this year discuss the characteristics of effective leadership, point out industry trends, and provide resources for leadership growth.

Our top leadership posts from 2018 examine what makes a good leader, as well as what makes a bad leader, and the ramifications of each. They also look at some executive thought leadership about industry trends, notably corporate social responsibility, and talk about how supply chain leaders can make use of social media.

Here are our top 5 leadership posts from 2018.

Fronetics’ top 5 leadership posts of 2018

1. Why CSR: Four Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility is a pretty broad term to describe how a company is working to improve its community. And 55% of consumers are willing to pay more for products from socially responsible companies. What does that mean for you? It means that corporate social responsibility is as good for your community as it is for your own brand. Here are four major benefits of corporate social responsibility. Read more.

[bctt tweet=”55% of consumers are willing to pay more for products from socially responsible companies. What does that mean for you? It means that corporate social responsibility is as good for your community as it is for your own brand. ” username=”Fronetics”]

2. 5 Must-Read Books for Supply Chain Leaders

Great leaders embody the ability to inspire and empower their teams to succeed. Here are five books that we recommend reading to keep getting the job done: empowering your team, learning about industry trends, updating your management practices, and other key insights. Read more.

3. 5 Social Media Tips for Supply Chain Executives

Supply Chain Management and its related functions (Procurement, Planning, Vendor Management, Logistics, Operations) are on the opposite end of the spectrum from functions like sales and marketing – areas where your brand is everything. But from our perspective, there are still lots of different benefits that Supply Chain and Procurement executives can gain from building their social media brands. Read more.

4. What’s the Cost of Bad Leadership in Procurement?

Everyone knows that a bad hire can be really costly to a business. When you account for hiring, training, and onboarding costs, plus the opportunity cost of not hiring a successful employee – not to mention the impact on workplace culture – hiring the wrong person can set a company back tens of thousands of dollars. Read more.

5. Supply Chain Leaders: Do These 4 Things with Your Social Media

We’ve written many times before about the importance of supply chain leaders being on social media as the face of their brands. Social media presents a huge opportunity for executives to use their relative industry celebrity to be an extension of their organizations. So you are ready to commit to a more active social media presence (or you’re going to be ghost-posting for your executive). Where do you begin? We’ve come up with 4 tips for supply chain leaders to making the most of their presence on social media. Read more.

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Top 5 Sales and Marketing Posts 2018

Top 5 Sales and Marketing Posts 2018

Aligning sales and marketing can help achieve big-picture goals. Here are the top five sales and marketing posts of 2018 that highlight how these two teams can work together.

The sales process is often a complicated journey that includes uphill climbs and unexpected roadblocks. Sales teams are all too familiar with these obstacles, but they don’t have to fight these battles alone.

Arm a sales rep with targeted content to share with prospects during specific moments in the purchasing process, and it will build his or her reputation as a knowledgeable resource. That can be the key to getting a foot in the door, advancing through the final stages of a purchasers’ decision, or closing the deal.

[bctt tweet=”Arm a sales rep with targeted content to share with prospects during specific moments in the purchasing process, and it will build his or her reputation as a knowledgeable resource. ” username=”Fronetics”]

Strong communication between sales and marketing can help create better content and nurture leads. Here are our top five sales and marketing posts of 2018.

Top 5 sales and marketing posts 2018

1. Infographic: the B2B Buyer’s Journey

Technology has completely changed the B2B buyer’s journey. The vast amount of information available on the internet has afforded buyers a level of self-sufficiency that renders traditional sales models ineffective. Marketers must leverage the latest trends and technologies to boost their content marketing efforts and turn leads into sales. Here are nine factors affecting today’s B2B buying journey. Read full post

2. Infographic: How Digital Natives are Changing B2B Purchasing

Long gone are the days of men and women sitting around a conference table listening to a sales pitch over a free lunch. Today’s B2B buyers are younger, more technologically savvy, and more independent — they’re a generation of digital natives. And they’re making waves across the B2B buying landscape and changing how marketers must work to reach new customers. Here’s what you need to know about the new B2B buyer. Read full post

3. The 3 Most Important Sources of Information for B2B Buyers

From a content marketing perspective, knowing where your buyers get their information is critical to an effective strategy. So what are most important sources of information for today’s B2B buyers? 20 years ago, you might have named things like product info sheets or sales reps. But not anymore. Read full post

4. 3 Dangers of Sales and Marketing Misalignment

Too often, B2B companies fall victim to the dangers of sales and marketing misalignment, often without even being aware that it’s an issue. Such misalignment can have serious motivational and financial consequences. These are the major dangers of sales and marketing misalignment compared to what can happen when things go right. Read full post

5. Infographic: Delivering Content Throughout the Buyer’s Journey to Help Your Sales Team Close Deals

If you’re a supply chain marketing professional, it’s likely that you spend a tremendous portion of your day researching, creating, packaging, and disseminating content. It’s time to start leveraging your it throughout the buyer’s journey by arming your sales force with content. Before you panic at the idea of creating reams of new content, take a breath. It’s more than likely that you can repurpose your existing content, optimized to give your sales force the tools they need to close deals.Read full post

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Top 10 Supply Chain and Logistics Posts 2018

Top 10 Supply Chain and Logistics Posts 2018

These are the top 10 most-viewed supply chain and logistics posts of 2018.

Our goal throughout the year is to provide our readers with the latest news and happenings in the supply chain and logistics industry, with a focus on content marketing. We hope to educate and enlighten our readers with industry insight, tips, and trends to stay ahead of the competition.

This year we’ve taken a deeper look at supply chain and logistics companies that have experienced the highs (Google, Amazon) and lows (Tesla, KFC) of running supply chain and logistics businesses. These posts have highlighted how we can all learn a thing (or two) from their accomplishments and, of course, their mistakes.

[bctt tweet=”This year we’ve taken a deeper look at supply chain and logistics companies that have experienced the highs (Google, Amazon) and lows (Tesla, KFC) of running supply chain and logistics businesses. These posts have highlighted how we can all learn a thing (or two) from their accomplishments and, of course, their mistakes.” username=”Fronetics”]

Here’s a look at our most popular supply chain and logistics posts this year.

Top 10 supply chain and logistics posts in 2018

1. 10 Must-Follow Supply Chain and Logistics Blogs in 2018

What are your favorite supply chain and logistics blogs? Fronetics wants to tell you about some of our favorite blogs that we follow. Read full post

2.  Drawing Lessons from Tesla’s Supply Chain Issues

This guest post from Argentus Supply Chain Recruiting examines Tesla’s recent supply chain woes. Argentus also shares the biggest takeaways to help you prevent similar blunders. Read full post

3. Top 3 Logistics and Supply Chain Blogs of 2018

We love hearing what blogs you enjoy reading and find valuable. There are lots of great industry options, so we know it’s not easy to narrow down your favorites. We had lots of great responses, but only Women in Trucking held its spot on our list of the top logistics and supply chain blogs from last year. Read full post

4. KFC Ran Out of Chicken in the UK: What Supply Chain Lessons Can We Learn?

There’s another unfortunate entry in the annals of Supply Chain failures that burst into the wider world of business and pop culture: More than half of the UK’s Kentucky Fried Chicken stores closed because they ran out of chicken this year. Argentus Supply Chain Recruiting examines the lessons we can learn from the restaurant chain’s blunder. Read full post

5. How Google Does Supplier Diversity

In 2014, Google launched a supplier diversity program to ensure that its staff had the ability to search large and small vendors when purchasing products or services. The tool it developed has helped Google employees create relationships with small businesses, defined as U.S.-based companies with $15 million or less in annual revenue and 50 or fewer employees. Google felt these companies often have a specialized and innovative product or service but might never be discovered simply because of their size. Read full post

6. Infographic: Influencer Marketing and the Supply Chain

Influencer marketing is a form of marketing in which marketers identify individuals that have influence over potential buyers and create marketing campaigns and activities around these influencers. Why is this so effective? Because buyers trust influencers talking about your products and services more than they trust you talking about yourself. Read full post

7. Valentine’s 2018 Supply Chain Infographic

Consumers spent a near-record $19.2 billion on Valentine’s Day 2018, up from $18.2 billion in 2017. According to NRF’s annual survey, over half of the country participated (55%) in the romantic holiday, spending just over $140 on average. Read full post

8. Five Go-To Supply Chain Websites

Following leading websites is a great way to keep up with the latest news and information about happenings in the supply chain and logistics industry. Here are our five favorite supply chain websites. Read full post

9. Video: Why Inbound Marketing is Better than Outbound Marketing for Supply Chain Marketers

Marketers are constantly coming up with new and trendy ways to attract leads. With endless platforms available to us, it can be overwhelming for even the most seasoned marketers to know where they need to focus their efforts. Outbound marketing used to be the ‘go to’ for generating leads, but this is simply no longer the case. Marketers across industries have found that inbound marketing has many advantages over traditional marketing practices. Read full post

10. 5 Email Marketing Trends Supply Chain and Logistics Marketers Need to Know

More people are using email than ever before (close to 3.8 billion worldwide). Fronetics works with supply chain and logistics businesses every day, so we have a first-hand understanding of how email marketing can be successful in these industries. Read full post

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Top 10 Social Media Posts 2018

Top 10 Social Media Posts 2018

Our most-viewed social media posts confirm there’s only one thing that stays the same with social platforms: they’re always changing.

Today, more than ever, companies are turning to social media to engage with customers and reach new audiences. But staying current with updates and new technologies is no easy task for marketers.

2018 was the year of video. From the soaring popularity of Insta Stories and Snapchat to the continued success of YouTube, users want to watch content (over reading it). In fact, video is the most popular form of content being consumed online today — and it shows no sign of slowing down.

[bctt tweet=” From the soaring popularity of Insta Stories and Snapchat to the continued success of YouTube, users want to watch content (over reading it). In fact, video is the most popular form of content being consumed online today — and it shows no sign of slowing down.” username=”Fronetics”]

Here are the top 10 social media posts in 2018, including why (and how ) to start implementing video into your content marketing strategy.

Top 10 social media posts in 2018

1. 10 Social Media Statistics for B2B Marketers 2018

Social Media Examiner’s 10th annual study, 2018 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, surveyed more than 5,700 marketers from across the world in a variety of industries — including manufacturing, industrial goods, and a variety of other B2B verticals. Here are some of the most relevant social media statistics from that survey for supply chain and logistics marketers. Read full post

2. An Example of Successful Social Media in Supply Chain Management

Sometimes, a success story can be a powerful motivator. FIFA and Adidas have been extremely successful in using social media in supply chain management. Here’s how it works for these organizations and why your business should consider it. Read full post

3. 10 Tips for Using Instagram for Business

Recent research on social media use shows that 66% of brands now use Instagram. It’s the second-most used platform by businesses, up from fourth in 2017. If you’re considering using Instagram for your business, which you should be, here are some tips for getting started. Read full post

4. Video: Social Media Trends for 2018

As always, good content will be as important as ever. With over one million new-data-producing social media users each day, high-quality content is the only way to stand out from the masses. But we also think you should pay attention to a few social media trends that we have highlighted in the following video. We’re certainly planning to adjust our strategy and those of our clients to consider these things. Read full post

5. 4 Things Your Business Should Do in Light of Facebook News Feed Changes

Mark Zuckerberg once again rocked the world on January 11 ­— at least for businesses — when he announced that Facebook News Feed was evolving to include less public content, meaning content from Pages of businesses, brands, and media. The algorithm now prioritizes posts from friends and family (over public posts) and those that “spark conversations and meaningful interactions between people.” Here’s how you should change what you’re doing in response. Read full post

6. Infographic: Social Media Statistics Your Business Needs to Consider When Publishing Content

A strong social media presence is key to successful marketing in 2018. Social media is simply unavoidable these days. So, you jumped on board and you’re posting and tweeting. You’re creating content. You’re learning about search engine optimization and how to improve your rankings. But you’re still not reaching the audiences you were hoping to attract. What’s going wrong? Read full post

7. What Supply Chain and Logistics Marketers Need to Know About Organic Reach on Facebook

In a recent social media news post, we mentioned that Facebook was experimenting with an Explore Feed feature. You may or may not have heard about how this might affect businesses’ ability to achieve organic reach on Facebook. Read full post

8. Facebook Boosts Local News, Twitter Launches Sponsored Moments, and More Social Media News

Updates to the most popular sites have included longer character counts, more advanced conversational skills with chatbots, and new tools for easier sharing. All of these changes are working to improve user experience and help keep users active on the biggest sites. Read full post

9. Facebook Updates News Feed, Instagram Allows User to Send Live Videos, and More Social Media News

I’m sure by now you have heard about the updates to Facebook’s News Feed that are having major impacts on business pages’ organic reach. But the changes don’t stop there. Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram are trying to follow Facebook’s lead and enhance their user experience. Through updates that include video counts, enhanced data collection, and recommended posts, social media is working overtime to make sure its active users are staying active. Read full post

10. 5 Ways to Improve Your YouTube Marketing Strategy

I’ve written a lot about YouTube and how the supply chain should be leveraging it as a marketing tool. Of course, I don’t recommend just creating videos at random and throwing them up on your channel. Like any content or platform, you should approach YouTube strategically. Read full post

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