by Fronetics | Apr 27, 2017 | Blog, Content Marketing, Marketing, Social Media, Supply Chain
In April’s social media news, changes are coming down the pike for Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.
April has been an interesting month for social media news. Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram all announced changes to their core products that will affect businesses using these platforms for social engagement and/or advertising.
Make sure you’re following our blog and/or social media pages to get our monthly updates on changes that may affect your social marketing program.
Google may be rolling out ad blocker for Chrome
Although its business model largely depends on advertising, Google is considering putting a stop to ads that are ruining users’ experiences. A potential ad-blocking feature on its Chrome browser would identify unacceptable ads based on standards set by the Coalition for Better Ads in March. Google could roll out this new feature in the next few weeks or choose not to move ahead with it at all — either way, the company is declining to comment.
LinkedIn introduces trending storylines
Storylines are now bringing user interests and the most important stories in their industries to the daily newsfeed. The algorithm includes several perspectives, such as “relevant influencers and news publishers to people in your network.” Each storyline also has a unique hashtag associated with it, so users can join in on the conversation and expand their networks based on common interests.
Facebook is moving closer to virtual reality
At the F8 developer conference, Facebook announced the release of Facebook 360 Capture SDK, a toolkit that makes it easier to capture and share virtual reality video. The ‘Book’s engineers are calling this new process “cube mapping,” which is more efficient and has better image quality than standard 360 video. “We look forward to seeing VR 360 selfies, experiences, e-sports, and more—all in 360,” said Facebook product developers in a mid-April blog post.
Instagram launches offline browsing
Instagram currently downloads images on the fly, querying parent company Facebook’s servers for new content when the app is launched. The updated app, however, will tap a cache instead. It will store any browsed images and will automatically update when internet becomes available. Users will also be able to write comments, like and save photos, and unfollow and follow anytime, as Instagram will queue offline actions to execute when next online.
Facebook Stories expands globally
Facebook Stories are short, user-generated picture and video collections that disappear within 24 hours. Users can add different filters and overlays to content using the in-app camera. A simultaneous messenger update, called Direct, allows users to send photos and videos that disappear after a short time to friends. This popular Snapchat-like format has proven very successful on Instagram, which now boasts more than 150 million Stories users across the globe.
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by Fronetics | Apr 26, 2017 | Blog, Logistics, Supply Chain, Talent
Investing in your top talent and playing an active role in developing their careers will motivate them to stay around.
Company loyalty is a thing of the past. In today’s day and age, everyone is looking for the next best thing, and that is true in the workplace as well. But this doesn’t mean that retention of top talent is hopeless.
Accenture conducted a cross-industry study and determined the top four reasons employees quit their jobs:
- Lack of recognition (43%)
- Internal politics (35%)
- Lack of empowerment (31%)
- Don’t like boss (31%)
Companies have work to do to create a positive workplace experience, where employees feel challenged and valued. So where do you begin? Retaining top talent can be challenging, but it is possible. Here are three tips for keeping your top talent around longer.
Treat them as individuals
This seems like a pretty basic rule. But if you think about it, top management often gets treated as an elite group. Often times these talented members of your company spend their careers trying to be innovative and cutting edge, so it’s important for them to feel like they are valued and unique. Roger L. Martin, former dean of the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, offers a relevant anecdote:
A top consultant, one of the firm’s 15 or so global account managers, approached me to ask for paternity leave (a benefit that’s now fairly standard, but 20-odd years ago was rare). I readily replied, “Sure. You’re a GAM. At your level, you can do pretty much whatever you want.” He said “OK,” and walked off, looking sullen. I was taken aback: He had asked for something, and I had given it to him. … This consultant wanted to hear: “We care about you and what you need. If paternity leave is the thing that is particularly important to you, we support you 100%.”
Martin witnessed first-hand the effects of treating this manager as part of a class, instead of as an individual. Stepping back and realizing that top talent need to be treated as individuals can add to their feeling valued within your company.
Develop from within
As more money and talent flood into the supply chain, it will be important to avoid the Silicon Valley problem of poaching, or employees leaving for larger salaries elsewhere. Investing in current employees in a meaningful, attentive way could make all the difference.
Think about your rising stars’ futures and next steps within your company. They probably have a plan, and you should as well. Make sure those plans align, and be open to assisting their journey to meet their goals.
Ask specific questions about what it takes to create the environment that would help encourage your talent’s best performance. Ask what works, and also ask what doesn’t work. Be specific and ask what causes your talent anxiety or stress. Investment is a big part of development. It helps talent feel like part of a bigger picture. If you invest in them, they will invest in you.
Encourage flexibility
Gone are the days of strict office hours, and in its place are flexibility and mobility for the workplace.
When companies allow their employees some flexibility, they become happier and more productive. With technology at our fingertips, and all the options that provides, employees expect to work from a location of their choosing, whether it be home, a library, or a coffee shop. Millennials rank this kind of flexibility highly among factors that make companies appealing places to work.
Don’t sit back and assume your employees are willing to be passive about their careers. See your employees as assets. Have a strategy. Be part of their team, and make them part of yours. See their talent and invest in them. Otherwise they’ll find another supply chain company that will.
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by Fronetics | Apr 25, 2017 | Blog, Content Marketing, Marketing
Use this checklist to make sure your marketing emails don’t end up in your customers and prospects’ spam folders.
When celebrities make the headlines, it’s normally for far more salacious reasons than a patent award. But for Kevin Spacey and his longtime producing partner Dana Brunetti, that’s exactly what’s got people talking.
The pair was awarded a patent on April 5 for “systems and methods for implementing email delivery,” which Brunetti unveiled on his Instagram account. Essentially, the invention is aimed at providing a way to screen and manage non-authorized emails.
“It allows in only the ones it knows or whoever is on the list,” Brunetti explains. The idea stemmed from Spacey’s frustrations at receiving countless unwanted emails, and being unable to do anything but change his email address.
Spacey’s impulse points to a pervasive issue: We’re all bombarded with marketing emails. But, as a business, it’s one of the most effective ways to reach customers and prospects. How do we make sure our emails are relevant and aren’t just ending up in spam filters?
Are my marketing emails spam?
Firstly, check out our post on making sure your emails aren’t annoying prospects. Then go through this checklist for avoiding spam complaints and unsubscribes:
- Are my emails relevant to my recipient list?
- Am I sending emails at a good cadence?
- Is my email format mobile-friendly?
- Do I have a mobile-friendly landing page experience?
- Do I have an easy opt-out/unsubscribe process to avoid frustrated subscribers?
- Does the unsubscribe link work properly?
- Am I emailing a subscriber who has just had a poor customer experience? (Don’t!)
- Is easy to quickly identify me as the sender?
- Did I include a valid postal address and reply-to email address?
- Are my emails honest? (Am I hiding the commercial character of my email or using false or misleading subject lines or content?)
- Am I emailing people who have opted in to receive my emails only?
- Have I removed all email addresses that have unsubscribed from previous emails?
Follow these best practices — which are, in some cases, international law — and be confident your marketing emails won’t end up in your recipients’ spam folders.
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by Fronetics | Apr 24, 2017 | Blog, Content Marketing, Marketing, Social Media, Supply Chain
Your company should consider your ideal customer, your competitors, and your content before choosing which social media channels to use.
Facebook! Twitter! LinkedIn! YouTube! The number of social media channels is astounding – and growing daily. Knowing which your business should be on can be daunting. Here is what to consider when determining which social media platforms you should be using for your supply chain company.
Your ideal customer
Understanding your target audience and which social media platforms they’re using is invaluable information. If you want to reach potential and current customers, you need to be where they are. You need to make it easy for them to find you and engage with your business.
An easy way to obtain this information is simply to ask. A quick email asking current customers where they spend their time online can give you insight into which platforms to use. You can use free tools like SurveyMonkey or Google Forms to create polls that dig a little deeper, too.
Your competition
If your competitors are already active on social media, start by finding out where. If these platforms align with your ideal customer, don’t be afraid to kick start your social media presence alongside them.
Social benchmarking tools like RivalIQ allow you to see where your competitors are active and where they are getting the most engagement. Once you launch a social channel, you can compare your performance to theirs and see where you’re gaining traction and where you can improve.
On the other hand, if your research has shown that your potential customers are using a social media channel that your competitors are not using, don’t assume your competitors know something you don’t. Jumping into any social media channel can be intimidating, but don’t be afraid to branch into new platforms, especially if your research is pointing in that direction.
Your content
It seems almost too simple to articulate, but what do you have to say to potential customers? And how do you plan on saying it? If you are going to invest the time and resources into a social media presence, make sure you’re providing consistent, relevant content in engaging ways.
For example, do you love creating videos and find it’s an easy way for you to demonstrate your company and its value? You should dive into YouTube. Do you have a great workplace culture and hold lots of company events? Try Instagram. Love writing longer thought-leadership pieces about the industry? LinkedIn is probably for you.
The supply chain is all about finding the most effective way to deliver information. Social media is an undeniable channel for distributing this information in a timely manner. Understanding why you’re venturing into social media — and how it can work for your business — can create endless opportunities for your company.
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by Fronetics | Apr 20, 2017 | Blog, Manufacturing & Distribution, Strategy, Supply Chain
Industrial product buyers are changing how, why, and where they buy. Are you prepared to accommodate their preferences?
Distribution has always been an industry built on relationships. The loyal customer favored companies where they developed strong working relationships with a sales representative.
But recently distributors have felt a shift in the tide. Buyers have grown impatient with one-on-one sales relationships and quickly embraced the convenience of buying directly from manufacturers, for one. Distributors are left scrambling to keep up with such trends.
So how do distributors stay ahead of the game?
UPS recently conducted a study of the behaviors, preferences and perceptions of industrial product buyers. It found four major market forces driving change: customer demands, direct-from-manufacturer purchasing, e-commerce, and millennials. Additionally, the study offered up a few interesting takeaways we thought were worth highlighting.
5 trends in industrial product buying
1) Purchasing drivers
The study asked for the top five factors that are most important when purchasing industrial supplies from buyers’ preferred distributor size. Though “best prices” was a top contributing factor across the board, as you can imagine, other answers varied from small distributors to large.
For those purchasing from smaller distributors, 58% of customers ranked personalized service as most important. Among those preferring large distributors, 61% of buyers wanted a wide selection of products.
Takeaway: There is a strategic opportunity for mid-size distributors to cater to both types of buyers. Mid-size distributors focusing on larger selection with personalized service can offer customers the best of both worlds.
2) Friends stick with friends
Word of mouth is still the top tool buyers use to research a new distributor. Studies have shown that consumers trust recommendations from people they know more than any other form of advertising, and the same is true for distribution. Personal references and word of mouth are heavily influencing buyer trends.
Takeaway: Distributors need to have their ears to the ground and really focus on what buyers are saying. If the word on the street is that your company needs to make changes, make them. You want to consumers raving about your company, so others will follow suit. Also, consider the value of review sites.
3) Internet is king
The importance of the internet is old news. But UPS’s study found a substantial jump in buyers’ going online to purchase industrial supplies. In 2013, 57% of buyers were hitting the web, and that number grew a significant 9% in just four years.
Takeaway: Suppliers need to make sure that their websites are a one-stop shop for customers. Buyers need to be able to find answers about products, confirm product details, and access their negotiated prices all online. Spending the time and money to update your website is key to giving buyers a preferred way to make purchases.
4) User-friendly everything
Along with wanting to make purchases online, industrial product buyers want the ease and convenience of user-friendly websites. 72% of buyers said they would shift their spending to a different distributor with a more user-friendly website, and that number increases to 85% with buyers age 21-30. These findings confirm the shift from relationship-based buying to the experience-driven trend.
Takeaway: Brand loyalty is no longer based solely based on product quality and personable sales staff. Distributors need to take into account convenience, speed, and a good customer experience. What appeals to customers is the ease of their online service. Staying ahead of trends will involve constant maintenance of your website and its usability.
5) Cross-channel consistency
Industrial product buyers may be making most of their purchases online, but they are definitely checking in with friends and social media before making any decisions. Oftentimes websites don’t provide enough information, and, by default, they rely on other channels to confirm details before making purchases.
Don’t let users find conflicting messages from different resources. Cross-channel consistency will give your company an edge on the competition.
Takeaway: Make sure that your off-site and onsite messages are clear across all channels. Examining the buyer experience on and offline — and making sure that all channels are communicating the same message — can elevate your company’s position among your competitors.
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by Fronetics | Apr 19, 2017 | Blog, Logistics, Supply Chain, Talent
Looking for talent? Try recruiting from these top-rated supply chain management MBA programs and schools.
We have written before about the importance of recruiting and strengthening the relationship between academia and the supply chain industry as means to solve the growing supply chain talent gap. If your company is looking to hire, consider strengthening your rapport with schools that offer supply chain programs or specialties.
Recently U.S. News & World Report released its annual rankings, including the top supply chain and logistics MBA programs. Of course, U.S. News is not the be-all end-all. But this list gives companies in the supply chain and logistics industries an idea of where some of the brightest graduates, who will be seeking employment in the upcoming months, will be coming from.
U.S. News’ top 10 supply chain management MBA programs 2018
- Michigan State University (Broad) – East Lansing, MI
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan) – Cambridge, MA
- Arizona State University (Carey) – Tempe, AZ
- University of Michigan—Ann Arbor (Ross) – Ann Arbor, MI
- Ohio State University (Fisher) – Columbus, OH
- Pennsylvania State University—University Park (Smeal) – University Park, PA
- Stanford University – Stanford, CA
- University of Tennessee—Knoxville (Haslam) – Knoxville, TN
- Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey—Newark and New Brunswick – Newark, NJ
- Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper) – Pittsburgh, PA
See all 23 ranked schools.
Recruiting and retaining new talent
We’ve been writing a lot lately about the supply chain talent gap and ways to recruit and retain millennials. Here are 3 must-read articles for companies looking to hire young talent this year.
3 Ways to Attract Millennial Talent for the Supply Chain
By the year 2020, millennials are estimated to make up a majority of the workforce. In addition, a 2014 study found that 46% of B2B buyers were millennials, and that number is on the rise. This seismic shift in workplace demographics calls for a new approach to attracting and retaining talent. Read
Supply chain companies want to find talented employees that can succeed in junior-level positions now but that also could move into management down the road. “Soft skills” like creativity and problem-solving are crucial to both roles — not to mention, every role in between. Liberal arts graduates bring these abilities to the workplace. Supply chain companies could be actively recruiting these qualified and eager graduates to fill open junior-level positions now, and then groom them to become future leadership. Read
Rodney Apple, founder and president of SCM Talent Group, has almost 20 years of experience as a supply chain recruiter. He has filled more than 1,000 supply chain positions ranging from executive-level at Fortune 500 companies to leadership and staff-level roles across large networks of manufacturing and distribution facilities within the United States. In this interview, Apple discusses the supply chain talent gap and advice for overcoming it. Read
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