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Why It’s Time to Ditch the Job Boards

Posting open positions to job boards don't work for job seekers, and they create more busy work for employers. So why do companies still use them? This guest post comes to us from Argentus Supply Chain Recruiting, a boutique recruitment firm specializing in Supply...

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How Are Manufacturing, Warehousing, and Transportation Companies Using Social Media?

Fronetics is conducting a survey to determine the benefits and challenges of social media for companies in these industries. Two years ago, Fronetics surveyed a number of individuals working in the logistics and supply chain industries, including those employed by...

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7 Reasons Why Networking Is Essential

Networking can do more than help you find your next job opportunity; it can make you smarter, happier, and more financially stable. Kathryn Minshew, founder and CEO of The Muse and The Daily Muse, began a piece for the Harvard Business Blog Network with this sage...

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9 Steps to Meetings That Don’t Suck

Stop wasting your team’s time by implementing these tips for running more effective meetings. Let’s face it: Meetings can suck. A poorly planned and executed meeting is a waste of time and money, and it can be demoralizing. Meetings shouldn’t be like this. Here are...

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