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Supply Chain Marketing Insights

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Here’s what the manufacturing, transportation, and warehousing industries need to know about talent

Here’s what the manufacturing, transportation, and warehousing industries need to know about talent

According to the 2013 CareerBuilder Candidate Behavior Study,  job seekers looking for a position with the manufacturing, transportation, and warehousing industries are using the internet and social media not only to look for jobs, but also to research companies...

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Supply chain MBAs take on the supply chain

According to R.J. Bowman, author of The Secret Society of Supply Chain Management, demand for supply chain professionals exceeds supply by a ratio of six to one.  Looking forward, it appears that demand for supply chain professionals will only increase.  The U.S....

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The Case for Reusable Packaging

This article was previously published on EBN. Looking for a way to make your supply chain more efficient? You might want to consider reusable packaging. Reusable packaging includes pallets, racks, bulk containers, bins, dollies, handheld containers, and dunnage...

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The Case for Reusable Packaging

This article was previously published on EBN. Looking for a way to make your supply chain more efficient? You might want to consider reusable packaging. Reusable packaging includes pallets, racks, bulk containers, bins, dollies, handheld containers, and dunnage...

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How to hire a leader

how to hire a leader Businesses don’t fail, leaders do – a lot.  Studies have shown that the rate of failure of executives coming into new companies ranges from 30 to 40 percent after 18 months.  The costs and implications of a poor leadership hire are enormous. ...

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How to hire a leader

how to hire a leader Businesses don’t fail, leaders do – a lot.  Studies have shown that the rate of failure of executives coming into new companies ranges from 30 to 40 percent after 18 months.  The costs and implications of a poor leadership hire are enormous. ...

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How to hire your next employee

Career Builder identified Supply Chain Manager as a Top Growth Job for 2013.  Why did supply chain manager make the short list (just 18 jobs made the list)?  Supply chain manager has experienced an 8 percent job growth since 2010 and there is just one active candidate...

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Ignore everyday risks at your peril

A 2013 study conducted by Deloitte found that 64 percent of the global executives surveyed reported they had a risk management program in place that is specific to the supply chain. That being said, 45 percent of the respondents said their programs were somewhat...

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How many 3PLs do you use?

This post is written by our Marketing Analyst Intern, James Kane.  James is a senior at the University of New Hampshire’s Whittemore School of Business and Economics. A recent article by Patrick Burson in Logistics Management discussed the use of 3PL providers.  The...

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Know your customers better than yoursef

I recently wrapped up a customer engagement that was centered on marketing effectiveness and sales force optimization. Two big words that represent the quality of a company’s message and the successfulness of their sales force. I began the engagement like any other,...

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