How to manage when the classic 80/20 rule applies

How to manage when the classic 80/20 rule applies

80/20 rule

Companies within the logistics and supply chain industries are often built around a small number of clients because these clients generate 80 percent (or more) of revenue – The Pareto Principle aka the 80/20 rule.  Some companies choose not to openly acknowledge this reality; I believe this is done at their peril.  Rather than ignore the elephant in the room, accept it, and establish a culture that addresses this reality. This will mitigate risk and enable you to be able to better manage both time and resources within your company.

Here are tips on how to manage when the classic 80/20 applies:

Build a culture of intellectual honesty

The first step is to build a culture of intellectually honesty. While your employees can probably guess that a small number of clients are generating the majority of your company’s revenue – be open. Take the time to get the entire company on the same page.  Establishing a culture of intellectual honesty enables management to implement effective and appropriate risk and management structures to be put in place. Additionally, it empowers employees, because it allows employees to better understand why certain systems and structures have been established.

Exceed expectation, anticipate needs, don’t get lazy

With respect to your high revenue generating clients – exceed their expectations and anticipate their needs. Just because you have a strong relationship with them, and maybe even a long-term relationship, you never know what the future will bring. New management, an acquisition, merger… there are several events that could end the relationship.  Never assume that history will make your relationship bulletproof.

Moreover, don’t get lazy. Be proactive. Every time you pick up the phone to talk with the client or every time you meet with them — impress. You need to know their strategy and know their needs — immediate, mid-, and long-term. What’s more – be open with the client. Let them know they are important to you. If there is an issue  make them aware of it, let them know you are being responsive, and address the issue ASAP.  Furthermore, ask the client for feedback, listen, and be responsive — address their concerns in a timely fashion. Finally, follow up with the client to make sure they feel their concerns were addressed.

Manage talent

Many companies get in the trap of assigning a large number of employees to the revenue-generators. At issue is that if the big client terminates their relationship with you, you may be forced to lay off talent — good talent. Additionally, this type of structure is generally fraught with bureaucracy. Instead, assign a small, focused team to the client. This type of team will have fewer bureaucratic hurdles and will do far better than a bloated team that has to battle red tape. And importantly, if you lose the client, you are more likely to be able to reallocate quality team members.

Establish an evaluation process

Regarding the smaller clients, it is important to have a defined and accountable process in place that evaluates why they are part of the 80 percent. If the client is not a good fit to your model, manage them out of your base. If they are a good fit, delight the client and treat them as if they were the big fish — you never know, one day they could be your biggest client.

Put a leader in charge

Finally, it is essential to put a leader in charge of client acquisition. By putting someone in charge who understands your company culture, the business model, and the company needs, client acquisition will be more effective and more efficient.

6 things to consider when taking your reverse logistics process international

6 things to consider when taking your reverse logistics process international


Source: Wikimedia

There are a host of issues and risks you need to consider and mitigate when implementing an international reverse logistics process.  Here are six things to consider when taking your reverse logistics process international:

1.    Laws, rules, and regulations

One of the first issues that you need to understand are the laws within the involved country (or countries) as well as any rules and regulations, such as taxes and tariffs, that focus specifically on border crossing of defective or non-working electronics. Not taking the time to understand the legal system could result in fines and/or costly delays.

2.    Costs

Costs are another issue. Labor, transport, and disposal costs, for example, vary vastly from country to country. Accounting for even minor cost fluctuations is essential, and not only for budgeting and cost containment. Shifting cost can upend even the tightest client relationships.

3.    Product classifications

Product classifications can vary from country to country. Research how the client country classifies product types. When it comes to defective or nonworking electronics, one country’s commodity can be another country’s contraband. Furthermore, misunderstandings can be expensive. For example, understanding product classifications such as tested-defected or non-tested-defective can mean the difference in being able to resell or recycle in one country to another.

4.   Service levels

You must also consider service levels. What are the labor norms? Are they drastically different than those in the United States? How will the labor norms impact the service level agreements you have in place? More than likely you will find that what works well here in the United States will need to be amended elsewhere.

5.    Culture

Another important thing to consider is culture.  One cannot begin working in another country without taking the time to learn about and understand the culture. Although it may be tempting, don’t try and change the culture. Real success comes when you work with/within the culture.

6.    How things work

Finally, take the time to fully understand what it means to work in the specific country.  For example, does the country shut down around the Christmas holiday?  What impact will that have on meeting deadlines?  How far will you need to plan ahead?

7 things to consider when choosing the right outsource partner

7 things to consider when choosing the right outsource partner

Source: Simply Silhouettes

Source: Simply Silhouettes

Within the logistics and supply chain industries, the key to providing your client with an end to end valuable offering is providing the core value yourself and outsourcing the rest.  Finding the right outsource partner is critical to success. Here are seven things you need to consider when choosing a new outsource partner.

 1.      Culture and values

Choosing the right partner goes beyond capabilities. You have to consider the corporate culture as well. In addition to being able to do the work, the ideal partner should be able do it seamlessly by fitting with your team and with your client’s needs.

When evaluating a new outsourcing partner, it is important to look at their mission or value statements. How do these hold up to your own company’s mission and value statements? Are they well aligned? If they are, move on and explore the company further. If not, walk away. Mission and value statements speak to the core culture of the company, so if you can’t find common ground here, it is unlikely you will be able to build a positive working relationship.

2.      Standards and metrics

What standards of quality and delivery does the potential partner employ? Here it is important to look at their metrics and processes. How do these compare with the ones within your company? If they are similar, it is not only likely your systems will be able to work well together, but also likely that the two companies have a similar approach to standards of quality and delivery.

 3.      Investments

Next, take a look at where the potential partner has made investments. Has the company spent in similar areas to your company? Similar investments show business culture or strategy alignment. If the investments are different, find out why.

 4.      Financial stability

What is the financial health of the potential partner?  You don’t want to enter into a partnership only to find out in a few months that the company is not financial stable.  Entering into a partnership with a company that does not have its financial house in order is a costly mistake.  Take the time to do your due diligence.

 5.      Where will you stand?

What will your relationship be? That is, will you be a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond? When times are good this doesn’t matter, but when there is a customer satisfaction issue, it can mean the difference between client retention or client attrition. It is essential to know where you stand inside your partner’s organizational priorities. If you are comfortable with where you will stand, that’s great. If not, find another partner.

 6.      Long-term strategy

It is also important to look at the long-term strategy of your company and your potential partner’s company. Does the service they will be providing on your behalf align with their continuing plans? And with your ongoing plans? Continuity and service development is important to your company and to your customers. The potential partner needs to be able to provide the specified service for the foreseeable future and also needs to be able to grow with your company’s strategic needs.

 7.      Credibility

Finally, look to social media. What are others saying about your potential partner in an unfiltered environment? Are people pleased with the service the company provides? Are there any red flags with respect to the company or the service they provide? Social media can help call attention to potential issues.

Also talk with others within the industry – especially people who have worked with the potential partner before.  What was their experience?  Again, look for red flags.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to better evaluate potential partners and identify partners that are a good fit from both a business and cultural perspective.

Is requiring failure the key to success?

Is requiring failure the key to success?

Last week Jason Seiken wrote a post for the HBR Blog Network on the necessity of failure for success.  The post, How I Got My Team To Fail More, described his efforts at PBS to create an entrepreneurial culture by requiring members of the digital team to fail.  Seiken wrote:

“Soon after arriving at PBS, I called the digital team into a conference room and announced we were ripping up everyone’s annual performance goals and adding a new metric.


With a twist: ‘If you don’t fail enough times during the coming year,’ I told every staffer, ‘you’ll be downgraded.’

Because if you’re not failing enough, you’re playing it safe.

The idea was to deliver a clear message: Move fast. Iterate fast. Be entrepreneurial. Don’t be afraid that if you stretch and sprint you might break things. Executive leadership has your back.”

It has been five years since Seiken first introduced the failure metric to PBS.  During that period unique visitors to have doubled, and in each of the first seven months of 2013 has been the most-visited network TV site (beating out ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox).  Additionally, video views on and’s mobile platforms have risen 11,200 percent.

Was requiring failure the key to success?  Not all those who read the post believed that requiring failure was the secret to success.  Rather, many readers suggested that the creation of a culture of innovation, one supported by executive leadership, which was the inflection point for success.

The idea that innovation in business or an entrepreneurial culture is brought about by leadership is one put forth by many including Robert J. Herbold.  In his book What’s Holding You Back: 10 Bold Steps that Define Gutsy Leaders, Herbold submits that it is the responsibility of a leader to establish a culture of innovation.  That is, a leader must communicate a goal of innovation to his/her employees; encourage employees to aspire to innovation; reward innovation; and instill a sense of urgency.

I see innovation and entrepreneurism as the goal and not failure.  For this reason I believe the focus should not be on failure, but instead should be establishing a culture which supports innovation. Yes risk-taking and failure are likely components of innovation, but they are just that – components.  “Requiring failure” may be sexy, but I believe supporting innovation is more likely to be the game changer.

What do you think?  Is failure a requirement for success?  Should leadership focus on encouraging failure?

How to make your meetings not suck, or how to run an effective meeting

How to make your meetings not suck, or how to run an effective meeting

Dilbert cartoon







Let’s face it, meetings can suck.  A poorly planned and executed meeting is a waste of time and money, and it can be demoralizing.  Meetings shouldn’t be like this. Here are nine tips on how to plan and how to run an effective meeting.

 1.      Purpose

Every meeting should have a purpose.  Meetings are often set up to happen on a reoccurring basis.  The reality is that many times these meetings take place solely because they are in our calendars. If there is no reason to hold the weekly meeting this Wednesday, cancel it.

 2.      Focus

Have a clearly defined singular focus.  Having a clearly defined singular focus keeps the meeting on track.  If a meeting has more than one focus it is likely that one issue will be covered in far greater detail than the other, that the meeting will get off track, and/or none of the issues will be adequately addressed.

 3.      Prepare

Do your homework.  Prior to every meeting make sure you have read anything you should have read and that you have completed any tasks that you should have completed.  Additionally, know the lay of the land.  For example, if the meeting is about the company budget and your employees are anxious over budget cuts – know this and be prepared to address your employees’ anxieties.

 4.      Invite

Invite those who should attend and do not invite people who should not be there.  For example, if the focus of the meeting is sales, make sure you invite the sales team.  Another example, if the focus of the meeting is the performance of your HR team, don’t invite your research and development team.

 5.      Leverage technology

Technology abounds and it should be utilized.  Getting everyone in the same room is no longer necessary.  Take advantage of technology such as Speek, Skype, and GoToMeeting.

 6.      Communicate

An effective meeting is not a place for you to download or transfer information.  If you present information a manner that speaks to attendees you will motivate your employees and create buy-in.  (The Heart of Change by Jon Kotter and Dan Cohen is a great resource on effective communication.)

 7.      Time management

Create an agenda and stick to it.  Start the meeting on time and end the meeting on time.  A meeting that is scheduled for 10:00-11:00 should not run from 10:15 to 11:15.  Furthermore, if a meeting is scheduled for 1 hour, the meeting should last one hour or less (no need to try and fill the last 15 minutes if the agenda has been covered).

 8.      Facilitate

A meeting needs a leader.  If it is your meeting – lead.  Leading does not mean speaking at people for an hour; instead it means facilitating the agenda.  For example, if an important but off-topic issue is raised during the meeting – don’t allow the meeting to go off on a tangent.  Instead, acknowledge the importance of the issue and establish a time to address the particular issue.  Handled correctly, your employees will not view this as blowing off their input, but rather they will value the fact that you will allot the necessary time to the issue.

 Facilitating the meeting also means not allowing one person to monopolize the meeting.  Give everyone the opportunity to provide input, and speak up if the agenda is being hijacked.

 9.      Action

At the end of the meeting review the action items.  Make sure the right people are put in charge of each item, that they know what they need to do, and that they know when the task needs to be completed.