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5 reasons why you should use a strategic advisor

strategic advisor

All executives understand the significance, for their company and for their career, of creating and implementing strategy.  Because of the significance of strategy, and because strategy forces executives to confront the future, many find it scary.

Savvy executives understand that not all business challenges can be resolved from inside their organization. Savvy executives rely on external experts or strategic advisors to know their internal business, know the external marketplace, and have the domain expertise to combine this knowledge into strategies that will work for today and the long term.

If you have ever thought about getting some help from the “outside” but weren’t sure of the value it would create for you and your organization?

Here are 5 reasons why you should use a strategic advisor:

1.  Strategic Advisors fill the “holes” in an organization that exist in a particular discipline, experience level, or accumulated knowledge base. As a result, they can speed decision making, time to market, or cost reductions with proven solutions and without the pain of trial and error.

2.  Strategic Advisors offer a viewpoint based on facts and real experiences; not on politics or prejudice. The advice they can offer is “agenda free”. Yes, the truth sometimes hurts, but savvy leaders know that the intellectual honesty that a strategic advisor brings drives innovation and growth.

3.  Strategic Advisors know when to stretch the targets. Whether cost reduction, sales growth or both. They have the experience to know when to step on the gas and when to apply the brakes…without driving you off the road. Their external expertise can put you and your team in a position to be successful for the short and long term.

4.  Strategic Advisors are always “up to speed”. They have a niche, know it well, and spend time and resources keeping abreast of the trends and the companies driving those trends. This “multiplier-effect” cannot be duplicated internally without a significant addition to headcount and expense.

5.  Strategic Advisors are extremely cost effective. They allow you to buy the highest level of experience, personal network and know-how, applied to your toughest challenges, for just the right amount of time.

Combining the best from inside your organization with the brightest from the outside is a winning formula. Smart business leaders solve this equation time and time again and reap the benefits listed above.


Fronetics Strategic Advisors is a leading management consulting firm. Our firm works with companies to identify and execute strategies for growth and value creation.

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